
The Preparatory course for the Japanese Proficiency

N4 Reading

Book: 2,100 yen+Tax

ISBN 978-4-89689-494-3

imageKindle Direct Publishing

Kindle version and book is different layout.

◆ 初級文法(しょきゅうぶんぽう)を勉強(べんきょう)はしたが、まだ自信(じしん)がないので、復習(ふくしゅう)をしたい方(かた)

This book is for you if:
◆You are taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 level (JLPT N4).
◆You are not taking the test, but you want to add some ability in practical Japanese.
◆You have insufficient strength in grammar so your speaking and reading abilities do not improve.
◆You have studied basic grammar but lack confidence so want to review.

View the contents of this book
この本(ほん)の特徴(とくちょう)〜 目次(もくじ)
文法(ぶんぽう) 形容詞(けいようし)

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